Tuesday 1 September 2015

Sailing - 06/15


Instructor - Josh Fitzgerald

Today I decided to head out for a sail with Josh after we finished work. I have been meaning to get back into sailing for ages and even go for my pre-entry at some stage so this was pretty cool.
We started off by bringing the picos down to the pier and rigging up there. These boats are really easy to rig up so it only took us about 5 minutes. After this we headed off out the bay for a belt around. Dan then arrived for a spin in the rib so he stayed with us for the rest of the session. This was handy because I got to do my 'coming along side' manoeuvre with the rib. After a few times of doing this I had it nailed. I then moved onto the man overboard manoeuvre where josh threw out about 6 tennis balls and we had to pick them up out of the water with the boom on the opposite side. 

After this Josh brought me out to the back of the island where we set out a triangular course and had a race. Dan came out with us in the rib and acted as the start line and......referee :) 
This was really good fun as the wind had died down anyway. It's all about how well you start and how well your line is going in the each turn. After this we decided to head back and finish the session so as we had the wind against us Dan gave us a tow in. 

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