Today was 9-10 degrees celsius. Overcast in the morning but sunny in the afternoon with the odd few showers, just in time for walking home :)
Goals for Today
Get familiar with the different equipment used in archery as well as learning the basic skills.
Session Evaluation
Today the first thing that Tommy went through with us was all the equipment used in archery. While he was teaching us this he asked us to take notes as it would be handy to look at before progressing onwards. He was extremely thorough when telling us about the equipment but especially so with the safety equipment such as finger tabs and bracers. This was really good as it really hit home with me how important the safety gear was in archery as I had never really done Archery before.
We were then brought down to the 10 metre line and Tommy demonstrated how to shoot from there. After this we were each given a bow and we shot from the 10 metre line until lunch time. Here Tommy thought us about all the safety terms used while shooting and really pushed how important they are. Before doing archery I didn't think that there was so much to it but obviously there is.
After lunch we started shooting from the 18 metre line. This was a huge difference. I got up to a standard of hitting the yellows nearly every time from the 10 metre line but when we moved back to 18 metres I was missing the whole board. We then had a mini competition between all of us. Tommy ran it as if we were going for our instructorships. We had to get 400 pints with 60 arrows. I was nowhere near hitting 400 but hopefully with some practice I'll be at that standard in no time.
Evaluation of Goals
By the end of the day I was able to name every part of the bow and arrow as well as knowing all the terminology for safety words etc. I also learned the basic skills.
Environmental Interest
As we were in doors all week there was no environmental points of interest so I decided to include this. When I got up this morning and looked out the kitchen window this is what I saw on tree behind the the bird feeder.
I had never seen one of these in our garden before and I probably should've known what it was due to having Orla's environmental studies class but sadly I didn't. After some research I found out that it is a 'Chaffinch'. This is a male as it has a rusty red chest and grey cap.
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