Tuesday 10 December 2013

03/12/13 - ARCHERY G.M.I.T Castlebar


Today was about 8-9 degrees celsius again. Rained for most of the day.

Goals for Today

Today our main goal was to be able to teach a full session of archery to a classmate by the end of the day. 

Session Evaluation

Today was a funny one as I ended up arriving to college too early. When I arrived there was nobody in the hall so I presumed that it was called off. I then decided to go and work in the library before walking past St.Mary's hall about an hour later and seeing that it was actually on. 
When I finally did arrive to Archery we began by shooting from the 18 metre line. Tommy was teaching me how to correct my shots by looking at my previous and working around it.  This was really effective as if I hit the 12 o'clock mark with my first arrow I should aim at the 6 o'clock mark with the next. This would hopefully result in me hitting the centre more. After shooting for a while we went for our lunch break. 
When we came back we started running through teaching each other an archery session right through from start to finish. Tommy was really good after we did this as he took notes on what we had done wrong or forgotten. This meant that we were able to consciously fix what we did wrong when we ran through it a second and third time. 

Evaluation of Goals

Today we focused on teaching. I felt that I was much better today and I was much more comfortable at teaching than last week. Hopefully after a few more sessions of archery I'll be ready for the instructorship.

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