Monday 21 October 2013

15/10/13 - SURFING Keel Bay, Achill

That's me in Achill, No biggy ;) 

Today was a lot colder than last week. It was about 10 - 11 degrees celsius but stayed dry and sunny throughout the whole day.

Goals for Today 

My number one goal today was to surf out back all day and try and get the feel for green waves. 

Session Evaluation

Today Wayne started the session by testing us on what we remembered about his talk on tides and moon phases. This was really good as it gave us an even better understanding of this topic than last week. After this we all got ready and entered the water together. Wayne stayed out of the water and observed from the sand as he injured himself the night before. 

We were all trying to surf out back today so I felt that this session ran a bit smoother as we were all together. Wayne filmed us on his camera from the beach so this was really good to look back at and pick out what we need to change and what we were actually doing right. We all began by trying to catch green waves but as the surf was so small, we all ended up surfing in the white water for most of the day. When it was time to finish up, Wayne called us in and had a de-brief with us in the bus. 

Evaluation of Goals

Today I was disappointed with the surf being really small as my goal was to try and surf green waves for the whole day. At the same time I was still happy because I was able to practice some more basic skills in the white water.

Environmental Interest 

Today I saw a good amount of common jellyfish. Common jellyfish can be identified by their 4 purple rings in the centre of their transparent dome. Commonly found throughout the Irish sea. 

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